A question that surfaces
Time and again
While the answers are plenty
Only one can remain
With ancestry lineage
From Athens and Rome
And an African birth-place…
Where is my home?
A sense of belonging –
A craving insatiable –
The truth to this puzzle
Becomes inescapable
To travel, explore
Is to seek, search and find
Geographically forward
Leaving stagnant behind
Onwards and skywards
To land unexplored
Immersing in cultures,
And lifestyles abroad
Accents and currencies
Are learned on the way
Home now seems further
Then it did yesterday
Could it be at the peak
Of that mountain perhaps?
Or at that location
I typed on G-maps?
Perchance it might be
In the eyes of another
Will my Home reappear
As we connect to each other?
But placing the pressure
In a romance or friend
Can make disappointment
The result in the end
Not this, not that,
Makes the path become clear
Possibly home
Is found within my career
Focus and work
And determinate drive
Could making-a-living
Be what makes me alive?
Realizations occur
At the end of the day
The searching must stop –
There is no other way
If home is not found
In reflections world-wide
It can only be Home
Is detected inside
Home is a feeling –
It’s Wherever You Are
And so feeling at home
Never feels very far
You take yourself with you
Wherever you go
Therefore Home is within you
The truth must be so
Home has to be
How you feel all the time
An infinite energy
Push-pull paradigm
Home is a moment
In sync with your heart
Remembering nothing
Is truly apart
The brush of the wind
And the splash of the sea
The feather that’s fallen
Is what Home means to me
The pictures the clouds make
In the silence of sound
The eyes on the trees
Is where my Home is found
Wherever I am
Is wherever I’ll be
My Home is a state
That is found within me
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