The Beasts of the Ocean

Recently I have been drawn to the Orca Whale. Its majestic quality has reflected something within my own being that can simply be described as power.

The orca whale is encompassed by speed, strength, force and needle-eye determination. Their movements, their focus and their charm has allowed me to tap into these qualities in my own thinking.

While I am aware that the orca whale, or more commonly known – killer whale – is a predator in the natural world, this instinct is included in the all-consuming nature of what they are.

In a world where everything has meaning, their black and white colouring is a clear mirror for the Yin and Yang balance that is the basis of our reality. The wisdom of their energy permeates throughout the ocean, sending vibrations of the highest love for all to accept. They are a totem for longevity, reminding us that love and family keeps us healthy.

As they move with the rhythm of the ocean, they sink up with Earth’s energy, working together in harmony to keep the vibration of love flowing throughout the planet.

The orca whale is intensely fierce – a characteristic that makes them highly feared. Yet it is within this fear that a strong sense of wonder is born. They reflect back to us a magic in the ocean, a reminder that there is an enchanting element that dances on this planet and that we have the ability to revel in this energy, and perhaps even mirror it in our own beings.

The orca whale is a guide for other fish (and all beings in general), leading the way with high frequency sounds, moving seamlessly through the depth of the waters. Their high levels of communication indicate their increased intelligence. They also practice the art of mimicry, suggesting their ability to understand communication on a variety of levels.

They travel as a pod, as a family and as a community, paying deep respect to the family matriarch and understanding the roles of each individual within their specific community, and the orca family as a whole. They also understand both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.

Their way of life is fascinating. Their nature has become for me intensely captivating, and I am learning each day, more and more, about these wondrous creatures, becoming, slowly but surely, an advocate for their existence and the integral part they play on this planet.

My orca door is unlocked and I have only just walked in. I listen to their frequencies during sleep and lately I have been meditating on their frequencies, swimming with them in my mind’s eye. They take me deep within the ocean, showing me the wonders of their world. I frequently have dreams of these sublime creatures, aware that within these dreams are messages and guidance from the orcas themselves.

While I have researched much information and symbolism on this whale, I have found that my own internal understanding and connection to them has proven to be the most accurate resonance with my own truth. As with everything, (or at least I believe so), it is our own intuition – and our own intuition only – on which we can rely.

The truth is, I have been drawn to these beings all my life. I loved looking at pictures of them as a child, but they terrified me! It was only but a few months ago that I really tapped into their energy, allowing my fear of them to shed away. And that’s when the understanding of them really came through. I believe it was my fear of them that was blocking my communication to them. And while I do still experience some fear when I’m face to face with their powerful energy, I am quickly reminded of the high frequency they carry and their purpose for this world. And when I begin to match my own frequency to theirs, that’s when the real magic happens!

A few months ago, when I began communicating with the orcas during my meditations, contemplations, writings and dreams, I began drawing them too! (And I am no artist I can assure you). But the drawings came. And then I started colouring the drawings in… (not much colouring, to be fair…) And then I started painting them. They came through in all avenues, blessing me with their messages of family, love, togetherness and power.

I was taking a walk to my local park like I often do. This day, I was particularly care free – not thinking about much. Not thinking at all really. I was just, well, walking. And then something in the middle of the road caught my eye. It was black and white. I stopped dead in my tracks. It can’t be? I thought. There were no cars on the road and so I walked to it, and in the middle of the street was a child’s toy, an orca whale. I’ll be honest, I laughed. I laughed and laughed. Because how? I had spent my week immersed in their energy and now there was a cute, little orca toy lying at my feet.

At first, I left it there, in the street. I thought that it wasn’t mine to take. Some child has lost its toy, I thought. And they would surely be back for it. I walked on. But I looked back. It was like, I don’t know, shining. But I convinced myself it was not mine to take and so I walked to the park. I sat and breathed and relaxed, like I always do.

But I thought of that orca.

A couple of hours later, I walked back home. The orca was in the street no longer, it was now tossed onto the side of the pavement near a gutter. My heart was sore as I watched it become “trash”. I ran to it. Looking back, I’m almost sure that if people were watching me, they would’ve thought I had lost my mind. I picked it up and dusted it off. And then I hugged it. A blessing. My orca friend. A sign.

Now, this can very easily be passed off as just The Law of Attraction in action based on my intense focus on this animal all of that week – and of course, this is the case. But I also believe it is so much more than this. I believed it to be a message from the whale elders, showing me that my communication and work with the orcas meant I was on my path. I was heading the right way. I believe that’s what synchronicity is. Becoming more connected and aware of these creatures was what I was supposed to be doing.

And so here I am. Writing about them. Most people would have stopped reading by now because this does not interest the masses. And that’s okay. But if you are here, then something has captivated you. Perhaps it is the orca energy itself, or perhaps you are intrigued with the idea of communicating with the animal realm(!) How exciting!

Animals have spirits. This is undeniable. Look into the eyes of any animal and you will know, intuitively, that this is true. And they are here to guide us, to give us messages. They are our brothers and sisters on this planet. Do not be fooled by their appearances (although these do have specific meaning – I believe), but what I mean is, just because they look different to the Human Species, does not mean they are lesser. As a matter of fact, they are the same. We are the same. Beings on this planet. Co-existing.

I believe the orca is one of my Spirit Animals, and if you’ve really read until this far, then perhaps you are being called to get in touch with YOUR spirit animal. Who knows? Only you.

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