As an avid and consistent All-Things-Shakespeare lover, I read sonnets all the time. I wrote a sonnet once for a school assignment. However, because of my avid and consistent love for All-Things-Dr Seuss, I leaned more in the direction of poetry that rhymes. It’s the rhythm I enjoy.
This was the first sonnet I wrote since the age of 16. It was for a poetry competition, inspired by an Island Boy Love Affair. And don’t be fooled, there’s a rhythm to sonnet poetry too… Something I wouldn’t have known without expanding my horizon.
My heart has flown away with your free soul
A meet-cute moment in the summer sun
The ocean and the sunset in control
Moved by your essence not as two but one
Your eyes a light portal that my heart craves
A tall palm tree standing strong in my view
I rest on your shores, I bathe in your waves
The warmth from your touch, a blessing from you
Alas! The seasons change – time unending
Yet never will your summer kiss leave me
The depth of unknown ocean expanding
A bottled message floating in the sea
Leave me not without your embrace this night
The summer breeze moves as my heart takes flight
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