My Untouchable Guy
A teenage perspective
Of romance is sweet
A chance for True Love
Feels not like defeat
A fresh pair of eyes
Leaves opportunity ripe
A new day. A bright heart
Brings forth all the hype
A cold Tuesday morning
Something reminded me
That I Am Alive
A moment in time
Linking future and past
Still in the present
My mind opening fast
Stopped still at a crossing
I lifted my head
And that’s when his face
Was directly ahead
A colossal Blue Billboard
That seemed blindingly bright
The intensity of him
Sent my heart an invite
A chance to accept him
Within me – I took
Time froze like the climax
Of a marvelous book
A stranger unknown
Yet familiarly mine
I remembered his eyes
Like a symbol or sign
An eruption of heart waves
Expanding so far
My awareness felt wholly
From Earth-base to Star
Two people in time
So unlikely to meet
An actor, a star
And a girl on the street
Seeming painfully distant
In all possible ways
Yet my soul was at home
In my desperate gaze
I saw the whole advert
Propaganda at best
The actor, the character
And me – in arrest
I tapped into his silence
It shook me wide awake
While I shifted my eyes
To the words “Prison Break”
All probable elements
Came together as one
My own escape plan
Had already begun
It felt epic and grand
We were on the same quest
He’s escaping the bars
And I’m freeing my chest
I knew that I knew him
I had nothing to prove
Yet my heart jumped in panic
When we started to move
I had fallen in love
With a moment in time
That compares not at all
With the words in this rhyme
Forever and too short
And gone in a flash
His face disappearing
– Now I felt the backlash
I walked around classrooms
But my heart wasn’t there
I left myself caught
In my love-at-first-stare
I now needed freedom
From the fence and the wall
My whole world in his eyes
And his blue overall
Logic had set in
How elusive his soul
Was the man that I loved
The same man as his role?
Observing the TV
I wanted to cry
I was joyful and broken
My untouchable guy
A man of few words
Through intelligent eyes
I watched him in silence
And wonder and sighs
A fictional character
Similar to his truth
I fell for a ghost
In the prime of my youth
His persona evolved
And I matured inside
All possible truths
Of Realism denied
The laughs and the pass-offs
“It’s a teenager’s crush”
Meant little to me
For I cherished the rush
The combining of beauty
Between peace and a thriller
I fell in love with a man
Who is called Wentworth Miller
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